Thread Lifts: PDO & Silhouette InstaLift

PDO (polydioxanone) or Silhouette InstaLift threads made of PLLA (poly-L-lactic acid) are biostimulatory treatments used to lift and/or volumize by lending support to tissue and stimulating natural collagen production. PDO lifting or Silhouette InstaLift threads are inserted deep under the skin, perpendicular to areas we want to support. They elevate while your body creates collagen around the thread as it is absorbed, strengthening the tissue. PDO volumizing or smooth threads help to fill an area in the same manner. Threads are absorbed by the body over 3 to 24 months with results lasting anywhere from 6 to 24 months depending on the type and number of threads used and your natural aging process.

Thread Lifts Can Be Used To:

Elevate and lift brows or provide symmetry to uneven brows

Soften wrinkles and skin folds such as the ‘11’s’ or glabella lines, nasolabial lines, forehead or neck lines

Strengthen thin or crepey skin

Improve lines above and around the lip

Elevate and support upper and lower cheeks

Support under the eyes

Soften deep nasolabial folds

Soften deep marionette lines in the lower face

Straighten and lift the nose

Eliminate jowls

Sculpt the jawline and tighten the neck

How It Works

PDOs also come in volumizing or smooth threads in customizable lengths that can treat fine or deep lines to the forehead, glabella, around the eye, cheeks, around the lips for ‘smoker’s lines’, do a ‘lip flip’, neck…so many uses!  The finer the thread, the sooner it reabsorbs, but the collagen production it stimulates will always strengthen the tissue.

Using a combination of PDO and Silhouette InstaLift threads, along with dermal fillers for volume, provides the best full non-surgical face lift available.


Threads are known as the 'lunchtime facelift'!  For best results and to minimize the chance of bruising, avoid the following prior to treatment:

Consult with your doctor prior to stopping prescribed blood thinners or aspirin

Alcohol for 3 days

Smoking for 2 days prior and 2 weeks after treatment

Dental work, including cleanings, for 2 weeks*Ibuprofen/Advil, Aspirin, multivitamins, fish oils, and vitamin D/E for 3 days

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have a bleeding or autoimmune disorder, or are acutely ill, you are not a candidate for this treatment.  

Just prior to your appointment, Tylenol can be taken to help with any discomfort or inhaled nitrous oxide (AKA laughing gas) can be used during the procedure, though not usually necessary.  After injecting a small amount of lidocaine to numb the insertion site and thread pathway, the threads are inserted individually either using a needle or cannula. Cannulas are blunt-tipped. I use a needle to create a small insertion site, then insert the cannula, a straw-like catheter, which glides under the skin.


After insertion, PDO and Silhouette InstaLift threads take a few days to integrate well into the underlying tissue. You can experience mild swelling, bruising, or a tension-like feeling where the threads are placed. If you have any bruising initially, I provide arnica tablets to help it resolve a little faster. Ensuring you don’t put pressure on areas treated for up to 4 weeks will help with integration and manage any discomfort. This means sleep on your back for 3 to 5 nights, avoid excessive neck and facial movements and high impact sports for 2 weeks, dental procedures for 3 weeks, and facial treatments or face down massages for 4 weeks. Apply ice as needed for any discomfort or mild swelling or take Tylenol for added comfort. I will see you for follow up 1 week after your treatment, but be sure to contact me at anytime if you have any concerns or questions.

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